

  • 张冲主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:复旦大学出版社
  • ISBN:7309057589
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:733页
  • 文件大小:72MB
  • 文件页数:744页
  • 主题词:文学-作品-简介-美国


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北美本土(印第安)文学—1860(From the Native Tradition to the 1860s)1

Oral Literatures of the Native Americans3

Ojibwa War Songs4

Night Chant5

Walam Olum(excerpt)7

The Iroquois Creation Story9

Pima Stories of the Beginning of the World11

The Winnebago Trickster Cycle(excerpt)14

John Smith20

A Description of New England(excerpt)20

William Bradford25

Of Plymouth Plantation(excerpt)25

John Winthrop35

A Model of Christian Charity(excerpt)35

Anne Bradstreet39

Selected Poems39

The Flesh and the Spirit39

Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House43

Before the Birth of One of Her Children45

To My Dear and Loving Husband46

Jonathan Edwards47

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God(excerpt)47

Philip Freneau53

Selected Poems53

The Wild Honey Suckle53

The Indian Burying Ground54

On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western Country56

On Mr.Paine's Rights of Man58

Washington Irving61

Rip Van Winkle62

James Fernimore Cooper75

The Pioneers(excerpt)76

Ralph Waldo Emerson84


The American Scholar(excerpt)93

Nathaniel Hawthorne100

Young Goodman Brown101

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow113

Selected Poems113

A Psalm of Life114

The Slave's Dream115

The Jewish Cemetery at Newport117

John Greenleaf Whittier120

Selected Poems120


Snow-Bound:A Winter Idyl(excerpt)122

Edgar Allen Poe129

The Raven130

Annabel Lee135


Henry David Thoreau148

Resistance to Civil Government(excerpt)148


Harriet Beecher Stowe164

Uncle Tom's Cabin165

Frederick Douglass177

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,an American Slave,Written by Himself(excerpt)177

Herman Melville184


Walt Whitman201

Leaves of Grass(excerpt)202

When Lilacs Last In the Dooryard Bloom'd203

Emily Dickinson206

Selected Poems207

现实主义、自然主义、多样性:1860—1914(The American Realism and Naturalism:1860—1914)210

Mark Twain211

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(excerpt)212

Henry James229

The Real Thing230

Kate Chopin252

The Awakening(excerpt)253

Edith Wharton259

The Eyes260

Du Bois276

The Souls of Black Folk:Essays and Sketches(excerpt)277

Edwin Arlington Robinson284

The Man Against the Sky285

Richard Cory286

Stephen Crane287

The Open Boat288

Theodore Dreiser309

Sister Carrie(excerpt)310

两次大战间的美国文学 1914—1945:现代主义(American Literature Between the wars:1914—1945)317

Willa Cather319

O Pioneers!(excerpt)320

Robert Frost327

Mending Wall328

The Investment330

Jack London331

The Call of the Wild(excerpt)332

Sherwood Anderson340



Carl Sandburg354



Wallace Stevens358

Anecdote of the Jar359

Sunday Morning360

William Carlos Williams365

Spring and All366

The Red Wheelbarrow367

Ezra Pound369

Canto Ⅳ370

In a Station of the Metro372

Marianne Moore373

The Fish374

What Are Years?376

Eugene O'Neill378

Long Day's Journey into Night(excerpt)379

Katherine Anne Porter402

Flowering Judas403

Zora Neale Hurston414

The Gilded Six-Bits415



O Sweet Spontaneous428

Scott Fitzgerald430

The Great Gatsby(excerpt)431

John Dos Passos445

The 42nd Parallel(excerpt)446

William Faulkner461

A Rose for Emily462

Ernest Hemingway470

The Snows of Kilimanjaro471

Langston Hughes491

The Negro Speaks of Rivers492

The Weary Blues493

John Steinbeck495

The Grapes of Wrath(excerpt)496

现当代美国文学 1945—2000:从现代到后现代(American Literature since 1945)508

Richard Wright510

The Man Who Was Almost a Man511

Charles Olson522

The Kingfishers523

Tennessee Williams525

A Streetcar Named Desire(excerpt)526

Bernard Malamud546

The Magic Barrel546

Ralph Ellison562

Invisible Man(excerpt)563

Saul Bellow576


Arthur Miller589

Death of a Salesman(excerpt)590

Robert Lowell610

Waking in the Blue611

James Baldwin614

Going to Meet the Man614

Flannery O'Connor629

Good Country People629

Allen Ginsberg647



Toni Morrison653

The Bluest Eye(excerpt)654

John Updike665


Scott Momaday676

House Made of Dawn(excerpt)677

Maxin Hong Kingston690

Woman warrior:Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts(excerpt)691

Amy Tan701

The Joy Luck Club(excerpt)702

Louis Erdrich720

