

  • (美)李文(Hedy W.Lee)编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • ISBN:756003960X
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:123页
  • 文件大小:17MB
  • 文件页数:133页
  • 主题词:英语-社会习惯语


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1.a close call 千钧一发2

2.add insult to injury 落井下石;雪上加霜4

3.a drop in the bucket 九牛一毛6

4.an eye for an eye 以眼还眼8

5.a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情10

6.burn one's bridges 背水一战12

7.can't seetheforestforthetrees 一叶障目,不见泰山14

8.cat got one's tongue 哑口无言16

9.climb the walls 走投无路18

10.count one's chickens before they hatch 如意算盘,黄粱美梦20

11.cross abridgewhen one comestoit 车到山前必有路22

12.cry wolf 谎报军情24

13.down and out 穷困潦倒26

14.drive sb.up the wall 逼人发疯28

15.dull as dishwater 枯燥无味30

16.fall on deaf ears 置若罔闻32

17.fish in troubled water 趁火打劫34

18.flash in the pan 虎头蛇尾36

19.follow in someone's footsteps 萧规曹随38

20.for the birds 一文不值40

21.for what it's worth 无论如何42

22.four corners of the earth 四面八方44

23.fresh as a daisy 精神焕发46

24.gild the lily 画蛇添足48

25.give sb.a dose of one's own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身50

26.go for broke 破釜沉舟;孤注一掷52

27.grin and bear it 逆来顺受54

28.grit one's teeth 紧咬牙关56

29.happy as a clam(at high tide) 无忧无虑58

30.have both feet on the ground 脚踏实地60

31.head in the clouds 心不在焉62

32.here today,gone tomorrow 过眼云烟64

33.in a rut 墨守成规66

34.keep one's head above water 捉襟见肘68

35.kick up one's heels 纵情享乐70

36.kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵72

37.leave to someone's own devices 自行决定;自力更生74

38.look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针76

39.make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做78

40.make one's hair stand on end 毛骨悚然80

41.old habits die hard 积重难返82

42.one's lips are sealed 守口如瓶84

43.on one's high horse 趾高气扬86

44.on one's last legs 日暮途穷88

45.play with fire 玩火自焚;惹火烧身90

46.pull out all the stops 全力以赴92

47.put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷94

48.put on airs 装模作样96

49.rain cats and dogs 大雨倾盆98

50.read someonelike anopenbook 一目了然100

51.rub salt in sb's wound 雪上加霜102

52.second to none 无出其右104

53.sit tight 静观其变106

54.start with a clean slate 洗心革面108

55.swallow one's pride 忍辱负重110

56.the more the merrier 多多益善112

57.through thick and thin 赴汤蹈火114

58.to one's heart's content 心满意足116

59.turn over a new leaf 改过自新118

60.turn up one's nose 不屑一顾120

61.wheninRome do astheRomans do 入乡随俗122
